Food and environmental safety

Every single bottle of European Extra Virgin Olive Oil is traceable through a system that makes the production process transparent at every stage, starting from those who grow the olive trees, to those who press the olives, up to the packaging of the bottles.
The manufacturer’s label testifies to this process and guarantees the genuineness of European Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This journey tells consumers the history and origin of every single drop of oil and ensures its authenticity for conscious and responsible consumption.
Eat healthy and well
The food philosophy of European extra virgin olive oil producers is always attentive to eating healthy and well, consuming quality products. The question of quality is not always easily achievable, just as the certainty of origin does not always correspond to an equally certain level of quality.
In order to help consumers to be more attentive, it was decided to focus on the traceability of olive oil production. A product that can be traced and therefore certified, has certainly been produced respecting organic methods while respecting the environment.
The tracking and related certifications unequivocally guarantee the origin of the product, and certify compliance with everything provided for in the European production regulations, compliance with the healthiness of all handling and packaging operations. Ultimately, it represents the certification of the entire cycle from field to table enclosed in a simple alphanumeric code present on the product label.

The aim of the traceability system is to trace the producer’s olive production in order to qualify the entire production chain. The production process, in fact, starts from the agricultural companies, which are entrusted with the cultivation, production and harvesting phase of the olives, continues with the transformation structure, the packaging structure and ends with the marketing and distribution phase.
External suppliers may also be involved, who undertake to adapt their production process, for the components involved, to the criteria and requirements established in the supply chain specifications, support activities and integration of the production process. The traceability system provides an overall picture of the activities indicated, collected by areas of competence, where for each activity the title and person responsible for execution are provided.
Creating a product whose quality and origin are guaranteed through the application of standard process control and recording procedures is the purpose of the supply chain traceability system.
The supply chain
The agri-food supply chain is “an ordered whole”, understood as a complex of production structures that contribute to the creation, distribution,marketing and supply of an agri-food product, where each of them is identified for the role it plays in the production process, for the materials that treatsand the ways in which it treats them.